Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Storage Box

 We make alot of models in class, and the problem has always been what to do with "model making stuff."  Well,  my students have solved the problem...they designed and built their own "portable storage device."  Take a look at these, which represent the most durable and best designed boxes this year.  Great job everyone!
Joseph Sciulara
Damian Kaminski

Michelle Barraza

Justine Harricharan
Kelsey Rivas

Monoara Khatun

Myron Clemente
Jocelyn Mosquera - Front

Jocelyn Mosquera - Rear

Melanie Guaba
Melanie Guaba - inside detail

Mayra Moreno - Front

Mayra Moreno - Rear
Elvin Shikder

Christina Barran - Front

Christina Barran - Rear
Kristalyn Seepersad

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Project: Storage Box

As you already know, each student will be responsible for building a storage box for classroom projects.  (See specifications and sample model in class.)  The box shall be made of foamcore (supplied) and will have a removable lid.  Once constructed, each student will design/decorate their box (be creative!) Please see this rubric for any questions regarding grading for this project.  We will have a gallery walk and competition for each section on overall box design and creativity when you return from Thanksgiving break.  Have fun!

The due dates are as follows:

Finished construction of the box:
VSA1-01: Wednesday, Nov. 23 E.O.C
VSA1-02: Wednesday, Nov. 23 E.O.C.
VSA1-03: Tuesday, Nov. 29 B.O.C

Finished design/decoration of box: 
VSA1-01: Monday, Nov. 28 B.O.C
VSA1-02: Monday, Nov. 28 B.O.C
VSA1-03: Tuesday, Nov. 29 B.O.C

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all the veterans who have served our country both domestic and abroad.  We are forever indebted to your service, especially to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and for the freedom of others.