Monday, September 1, 2014

Thank you for Everything!

To all my former students and friends,

On August 19, 2014, I accepted a teaching position in Connecticut. The commute (5+ hours daily) was just too much on me and my family.  I am happy to say that I now work at Old Saybrook High School, teaching 5 different engineering courses: Introduction to Engineering, Digital Electronics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Principles of Engineering, and Engineering Design and Development.  It will be a great challenge for me, but I wholeheartedly embrace the task.

It has been a pleasure being your teacher.  CTEA will always hold a special place in my heart for many reasons.  Firstly, it's where I started teaching 5 years ago, and over those years I've learned a lot about teaching, about myself, and  about you. Secondly, you've given me wisdom, insight and experience that will allow me to grow professionally in my career as an educator.

Thank you, for being who you are and for the memories.  You will not be forgotten.


Your friend,

Mr. Z