Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last but not least...Winner #12: Landscaping!

When I saw these boards I was blown away!  These alone could be a final presentation.  Take a really good look at these...the creativity here is amazing.

Michele and team created a small neighborhood which very nicely illustrates the differences between a 0%, 50% and 100% green landscaping them.  THAT IS AWESOME!  Not to mention the amount of time and effort that went into this...really nice, unique modeling techniques with plenty of textual information on how to create a "green" landscape.

Monoara and Mamta pushed the limits as well.  The board hosts a really delightful small model of a "green" home, well constructed with materials as well.  The sense of scale is right on and works wonderfully with the other graphics and text on the board.

I must say that these two boards made my day.

Winner #11: Heating and Cooling

Nareena and team composed about 95% of their board digitally in Adobe Photoshop, creating a nice simple layout of information and graphics.  I like the comic book/cartoon feel to the board...its easy to read and very nicely done.

Sam and Eddie J. created a nice, straightforward presentation with great information and a nicely made model as  well. I also appreciate the useful diagrams which help explain a difficult topic.  Nice work everyone!

Winner #10: Water Use

How many people make their own plumbing fixtures? Pablo and Elvin do, that's who!  Their ideas are connected  with plumbing "pipes" which reinforces the information on the board.  Good job fellas!...nice bendy straws.

Winner #9: Electricity

I never thought I'd see my name in lights until Joel showed me this and connected the wires to the battery.  Very cool idea, simple and powered!  This thing weighs about 4 lbs. with the dual 9-volts powering the system.  You might say it was a very "bright" idea, no? :)

Winner #8: Roofing

A tie!

Kudos to both teams on this one.  By creating an actual "roof", Ameer and Aung make it easy to convey their ideas on roofing.  Dean and Max make a connection to all of use by creating a pinup board with "post its" which explains their topic nicely.  Good work guys...nice stuff here!

Winner #7: Lighting

Mayra and Manjinder created this well proportioned board and used a few simple models to reinforce their ideas.  Take a good look at this!  There is alot of information here.  Nice job!

Winner #6: Windows

Jorge and Christian used three nice models to explain the differences in window types. A colorful display of useful information supplemented with pleasing graphics.

Winner #5: Doors

Alexande and Roshnie created a simple yet sophisticated display of information complete with a doorknob!  Balanced, good use of graphics with text. Nice work here folks!

Winner #4: Walls

What is a wall, anyway?  Amy and Ahamed answered that question by creating a wonderful display of color, texture and information which focuses on Green Architecture. It truly is a stand-alone presentation which leaves the viewer with little to no questions. Nice Job!  Colorful.

Winner #3: Flooring

Myron and Kuyume created a great piece with their exploration into sustainable flooring...with lights! Simple, clean and elegant, this board says it all.  Good work guys!

Winner #2: Building Materials

Sajda and Bibi really hit a home run with this one. The color palette of green, brown and black/white really creates a pleasing composition.  The layering of materials with text and graphics creates a wonderful board which focuses on the center graphic...a "green" home.  Great work!

Winner #1: What is Green Architecture?

A tie!

Excellent work with a very high level of creativity.  The use of models on the board really enhances the presentation; too close to choose one as the winner.  Completely different, yet both get their topic across in their own way.  Wonderful composition, use of color and texture. Fantastic work here everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Presentation boards have been graded

All presentation boards have been graded.
I will announce the winners of the extra credit over the weekend...check back soon for winners and photos!

Emerald Estates

Congratulations to Jocelyn Mosquera and Sayyid Omar for winning the "name the project" competition.  Henceforth, this year's final project shall be dubbed "Emerald Estates: A Sustainable Community."  Jocelyn and Sayyid will receive an extra credit grade for their efforts.  Thanks to all who entered...they were very....INTERESTING!, to say the least. :)
 (Honorable mention to Genesis Santos for her "Emerald City" entry.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Updated site with trees

Here's the updated site with trees.  Remember!  You must design around the may not remove them!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Site model update

Here's a pic with the student assignments.  More info to come as it progresses.